FUSE Festival : Spring 2023
This year FUSE Spring returned with an abundance of creative energy, and we would like to thank everyone involved by reflecting on the dynamic set of programs and events that were shared with us over the two weeks.
Central to FUSE festival is its ability to bring people together through the language of art, culture, and community. Our programming this year sought to capture the diverse talents and interests that make Darebin truly unique. Live music, visual arts, literary expressions, and multi-disciplinary events created a tapestry of experiences across Darebin’s hubs and communities.

We opened the season with the signature event, Ganbu Gulin: Lore, a celebration co-presented by FUSE and the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation, Ganbu Gulin: Lore invited all residents, old and new, to be welcomed onto Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Country. Featuring mesmerizing performances, market stalls, and soul-stirring speeches and music at the Darebin Arts Centre – this truly set the tone for a diverse and thoughtful community infused program.

Local talent and community engagement shone through FUSE Fund supported events such as the Reservoir Little Art Gallery and Wild Conductors creative development. Working with the artists, FUSE was able to support these new creative new projects from concept to a presentation as part of Spring 2023. Keep an eye out for next year’s FUSE Fund projects – to be announced later this year.

One of the highlights of the season was the introduction of the FUSE Film series. This addition not only celebrated the rich cultural heritage of our Italian and Greek communities but also extended a warm welcome to seniors and families. Also included within the FUSE@Large film program was Deaf Lens – Short Film Showcase and the Intercultural Centre allowed us to share stories that transcended boundaries and celebrated our differing and shared narratives.

The ever-expanding FUSE@large program, our open-access initiative, amplified Darebin's creative meeting spaces and social cultural production – view the full range of this year’s program on FUSE Darebin website. This year, the festival forged new internal and community partnerships while engaging familiar faces from local choirs, community projects, and our internal departments.
We would like to thank Equity and Wellbeing for their support and collaboration with Ganbu Gulin: Lore, the Darebin Arts Programming Team for stand out events including Pony Cam and the Mayor’s Writing Awards + D’Scribe Launch, the Bundoora Homestead Arts Centre for sharing Us Mob and the journey of the Truth Telling Space, the Intercultural Centre’s film screening of the Last Daughter and the Economic Development and Parks team with their Rezza Mural Launch – and to all those who shared their projects and hard work with FUSE festival this year.
We would also like to thank 3KND, Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation and to all our other supporters that contributed to FUSE this spring.

In the interim, we encourage you to keep an eye on our website and announcements for upcoming opportunities. Did you attend any FUSE events? We would love to hear from you. Share your experience here: Survey
Once again, thank you for being an essential part of the FUSE community.
Photo credits:
Image 1 Wrap up banner, FUSE Darebin
Image 2: Texta Queen Mural, Theresa Harrison Photography, Rezza Mural Launch 2023
Image 3 Opening Ceremony, James Henry Photography, Ganbu Gulin:Lore 2023
Image 4: Reservoir Little Art Gallery, Theresa Harrison Photography, Rezza Mural Launch 2023
Image 5: Planting with the Darebin Parks team, Theresa Harrison Photography, Rezza Mural Launch 2023
Image 6: La Descarga Theresa Harrison Photography, Rezza Mural Launch 2023
Image 7: Murrundaya Yepenga Dance Troup, James Henry Photography, Ganbu Gulin:Lore 2023