Grief, Rage, Hope – Practices for Resilience

Alister Pate

An invitation to reflect on pandemic experiences at Chalice Northcote by engaging in creative practices and walking the labyrinth.

Chalice – Northcote Uniting Church offers a series of creative practices and a labyrinth walk to invite personal reflection on experiences of grief, rage and hope during the pandemic. Whatever your experience has been, and whatever emotions you carry, you are welcome in this reflective space in the heart of Northcote.

Creative practices will be on offer for you to engage with as you wish, and the Chalice labyrinth will be open. The ancient practice of walking a labyrinth is found in many traditions and cultures and it is open to people of any faith or none. Walking a labyrinth encourages meditation, insight and celebration. During FUSE@large, we come together to mourn our grief, name our rage, and give voice to our hope.

Presented by FUSE@Large, FUSE Darebin's open access program.

Event & ticketing details

Dates & Times

Exhibition Friday 25 March - 7-9pm
Exhibition Saturday 26 March - 12-6pm
Exhibition Sunday 27 March - 10am-1pm


Free Entry Bookings not required


Northcote Uniting Church - Chalice

251 High St, Northcote VIC 3070

Get directions


Route 86, Stop 32


Route 567
Presented By