Creating a Pollinator Friendly Garden for Australian Pollinator Week


Celebrate Australian Pollinator Week with this ‘Pollinator Friendly Garden’ workshop! Local Darebin resident and founder of Buzz and Dig, Katrina Forstner, will introduce you to the amazing world of pollinators and share her knowledge and experience to get you started in setting up a pollinator friendly garden.


In this workshop you will learn why pollinators are important to our food system and what you can do to attract them into your garden. Katrina will share tips for landscaping to create habitat and food sources for pollinators, her top bee friendly plants, how to save seed and propagation by cuttings. At the end of the session, you will get a chance to have all your questions answered and be directed to other handy resources.


Australian Pollinator Week (8-15 November) acknowledges our important and unique insect pollinators. It is a designated week when community, business and organisations can come together to raise awareness of the importance of pollinators and support their needs. As part of Pollinator Week attendees can participate as a citizen scientist in their own backyard or park counting pollinators.


Darebin Council is also starting a Gardens for Wildlife program, where we will be supporting residents to create gardens that help native wildlife to thrive, as well as a Seed Library project where gardeners can borrow, grow, save and return seeds, including veggie and pollinator-attracting flowers.


For more information, please contact

This event is hosted by Darebin City Council, as part of Darebin FUSE Festival and Australian Pollinator Week.




Website link:



Katrina is a passionate gardener, advocate for native bees, and biodiversity expert who specialises in native bees, beneficial insects, organic gardening and composting. Katrina’s passion for native bees is featured in The Contented Bee Book (ABC Books).

Her business Buzz and Dig runs sustainable workshops and incursions tailored to both children and adult audiences that are aimed to reconnect individuals with nature found in their own gardens.

She is a local Darebin resident where she has created a native bee friendly garden full of fruit trees, vegetables, perennial and native flowers. Her garden has been featured in Open Gardens Victoria, Grassroots Magazine, Sharewaste and filmed with Costa Georgiadis for a biosecurity segment. She is also a regular presenter for Darebin’s Backyard Harvest Festival.

To keep up with the latest follow on the socials Instagram or Facebook.

Event & ticketing details


Dates & Times

Online Workshop Saturday 14 November - 10:30am - 11:30am
Presented By